Climate Action Plan
Approved at the Autumn Court on 27th September 2023.
In 2021, Livery Companies were invited to work together to prepare a combined response to the challenges of climate change in the form of individual Livery Company Action Plans. A Livery Climate Action Group was formed to support the Companies to develop their climate action plans. Additionally, this group provided input towards the Lord Mayor’s contribution to the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, which was held on 31st October – 12th November 2021. The Livery Climate Action Group is chaired by Alderman Alison Gowman. The following Climate Action Plan stems from suggestions and discussions held between the members of the Livery Company Action Group. The Pipe Makers’ representative on the Group is Liveryman Andrew Pinto and he has drafted this with the help of the Master, Immediate Past Master, and the Clerk.
While there is a clear delineation between what a Company with a Hall is capable of contributing to Climate Change vs a peripatetic Company like ours, everyone and every Company can make a difference and should attempt to make a difference. Therefore, we respectfully submit the following suggestions and considerations in the form of a Climate Action Plan on behalf of the Members of The Worshipful Company of Tobacco Pipe Makers and Tobacco Blenders.
The Climate Action Plan of the Worshipful Company of Tobacco Pipe Makers and Tobacco Blenders will use the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) model as the basis for undertaking our part in the commitments of the City of London Corporation in respect of climate change.
We, the Worshipful Company of Tobacco Pipe Makers and Tobacco Blenders, support the objectives of the Livery Climate Action Group (LCAG) by aiming to reduce our carbon emissions and our wider impact on the environment. We will contribute where possible towards the pledge to achieve net zero carbon emissions across the square mile by 2040. We will consider all the options available in our Climate Action Plan in order to reduce our impact on the environment and will encourage our direct and indirect contacts to do the same.
We will adopt and where possible implement the following Climate Action Plan, which is designed to be consistent with the guidelines issued by the Livery Climate Action Group for Livery Companies without Halls:
1. We will target the reduction of carbon emissions by:
- Encouraging the Livery Halls that we use to establish baseline data and set out a plan for
emissions reductions. The Renter Warden and Clerk will consider this information as well as subsequent energy efficiency audits, considering any Simplified Buildings Energy Model (SBEM) assessments carried out, when selecting a hall for our events. We will embrace and encourage steps taken by host halls to reduce carbon emissions and any wider environmental impacts. The Master will include in their report to the GPC and Court, when reviewing past events, progress being made by the halls we use for our events, towards carbon emissions reduction and wider environmental impacts. - Considering, when liaising with vendors for our events, dinners, merchandising and other activities, opportunities for using fewer, more sustainable and less carbon-intensive products and services. Case in point is the recent acquisition of scarves where we exclusively used UK vendors. When selecting locations and catering arrangements for our meetings, events, and dinners, we will continue to be mindful of the distances travelled, and the sustainability and carbon content of the food we provide and other products we use. In collaboration with other Livery Companies, we will work with key catering suppliers to establish low carbon menu options using seasonal and local food where possible. We will request that they minimise the amount of food wasted and consider supporting food waste recycling schemes, for instance “City Harvest”. This is so that we are playing our part in the reduction of food insecurity. City Harvest is a charity that works in partnership with the Livery Food Initiative to reduce food insecurity by diverting quality, nutritious, edible surplus food from waste and redistributing it to those facing poverty. City Harvest delivers 1.2 million free, nutritious meals a month across London to 375+ charities and groups. Additionally, we will encourage increase re-use and recycling where possible with the aim of achieving zero waste to landfill, whilst not increasing carbon emissions.
- Selecting locations and catering arrangements for our meetings, events, and dinners, we will encourage tap water to be provided in preference to bottled water. However, we will continue to offer sparkling water as an option and bottled still water when requested.
- Encouraging, as part of a sustainability programme to reduce carbon emissions, projects that achieve carbon neutrality through carbon offset by reforestation.
- Selecting locations for our meetings, events and dinners that have easy public and low emission transport options and we will encourage car sharing by members who live in close proximity, to reduce carbon emissions.
- Asking our Investment Managers to review our investments and confirm that the underlying holdings are aligned with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Paris Agreement to limit global warming to well below 2C, and to pursue efforts towards 1.5C, compared with pre-industrial levels.
2. We will make a positive impact by:
- Drawing on the expertise of our members to make learning and good practice on
standards, tools, platforms, and expertise publicly available, and to facilitate sustainable development and progress towards zero carbon. We will support participation in workshops and exhibitions on environmental themes, such as improving the management of resources and minimising the use of plastics. We will encourage members to share experiences with good practise solutions on sustainability with other Livery Companies, businesses, and organisations. - Encouraging and inspiring our members and networks to follow our lead within their own organisations and personal activities. By precept and example, we will encourage all our members to review, identify and share good practices on sustainable development and climate change.