December Rush
15th December 2019Our Carol Services
A highlight of December for us has been two special Carol Services.
The Company's 400th Anniversary service was, as usual, held in the splendid surroundings of St. Lawrence Jewry. It was the final part of our 400th celebrations. The brilliant service resulted from the combined talents of PM Mark Gower-Smith, our Chaplain Canon David Parrott and Chris Dyer, the Head of Music at Sevenoaks School (which provided us with its amazing choir). May I thank all who who participated and contributed to this well-attended start to Christmas. I would also like to make a special thank-you to the Mistress for her delicious home-made mince pies and cupcakes and to Elise Rasmussen Ace and Carolyn Tuck for all the scrumptious savouries!
Our second service was at Barrow Farm, a riding for the disabled facility in Essex. This charity has long been supported by our Company. The coldness of the stables was more than made up for by the warmth of the welcome and the sheer happiness of all those involved. It was a profoundly memorable and charming event.